Truly it was one of the best trips we've ever taken. Six days, just adults, and critiquing cruise ship was HEAVEN!
I'm back in the swing of things and working on the business harder than ever. I have some wonderful orders coming up including several weddings! I'm so thrilled to be able to share my talents and passions with others.
You might have noticed that there is a new button on the right hand side of the blog. If you copy and paste the URL on that button into your browser's address bar, you'll be taken directly to my brochure link. You can feel free to print or download as many copies of the brochure as possible! I am very, very excited about having a more formal 'menu' for my customers and look forward to creating some very exciting goodies in the coming months!
I have many pictures of holiday goodies to share, so enjoy a little break from whatever it is you're doing and take some time to scroll through the pictures. After all, it's not breaking your New Year's resolution to just LOOK, right?
Good eats and HAPPY NEW YEAR to each of you! Tell a friend about Just Like Mom's, post a comment about it with your name, and I'll give you 10% off your order of $50 or less! Such an easy way to save a few dollars!
Good eats!
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